
News & Announcements


Agenda REDI Net Board of Directors Meeting Thursday, March 16, 2023 Time: 1:15 P.M.

Agenda REDI Net

Board of Directors Meeting

Thursday, March 16, 2023

Time: 1:15 P.M.


GOTO Meeting

Board Meeting

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1)      Call to Order/Roll Call

2)      Invocation

3)      Approval of the Agenda

4)      Approval of Minutes

a)      REDI Net Board of Directors meeting 2/9/2023

5)      Matters from the Public

6)      Executive Session

a)      Per New Mexico Open Meetings Act (§ 10-15-1(H)(9) Discussion of strategic or long-range business plans

b)      Per New Mexico Open Meetings Act §§10-15-1(H)(2) NMSA 1978, Limited Personnel Matters

7)      Action Items

a)      Travel Approval for General Manager to NTTA Tribal Broadband Summit, Chandler, Arizona 3/20-24/2023

8)      Discussion Items

a)      Grant Applications Status (NTIA, NM Pilot Project)

9)      Matters from the Board

10)  Operational Reports

a)      Operations status report – General Manager

b)      Treasurer’s Report

11)  Adjournment