Board of Directors Meeting Thursday, July 09, 2020 Time: 1:15P.M
Board of Directors Meeting
Thursday, July 09, 2020
Time: 1:15P.M
GOTO Meeting
Board Meeting
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1) Call to Order/Roll Call
2) Invocation
3) Approval of the Agenda
4) Approval of Minutes
a) REDI Net Board of Directors meeting June 11, 2020.
5) Matters from the Public
6) Pricing Committee Update (standing agenda item)
7) Action Items
a) Annual Election
b) Action to approve ANM purchase with Capital Outlay funds
c) Open Meetings Act Resolution
d) Policies to be presented to board for action
e) Sale of Dodge Stratus
f) Premier Savings Account
8) Matters from the Board
9) Operational Reports
Operations status report (standing agenda item)
10) Adjournment